It's been a busy week. A couple of re-orgs at work. I was promoted for a week - then unpromoted. One of our 3 remaining developers quit. Ah, well... at least the weather has gotten cooler.
Friday was a nice night to celebrate the grand opening of Link, a place for co-working. If you work from home and need a quiet, well-equipped place to work, this may be perfect for you.
Saturday morning, I checked out the Texas Custom Bike Show at the Music Hall. I guess I was a little early, because not all the lights had been turned on.
James from Alchemy was there with a full array of custom bikes.
However, the coolest thing I saw may have been the carbon fiber travel bike, with a frame that breaks apart with carbon couplers.
After a quick tour of the other exhibits, I met up with friends at Inks Lake for a quick camping trip. Couldn't beat the weather - sunny days and cool nights. And lots of dogs (not all pictured - but trust me).
Happy Birthday, Sean!
How is it you are in a picture with 5 other women in all your pics?
Thanks for taking the picture. It's going to be the promo photo for my new reality TV show.
Reality Rules
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