Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dawn patrol

Hey Eric - this is what you missed while you were training in New Braunfels:

Your son knocked on my front door while I was drinking my coffee this morning. Apparently, Lilly flew the coop and landed in a tree down the street. She was hugging a branch 20 feet off the ground.

After trying to call her down for a good 15 minutes, we came up with the following Rube Goldberg plan.

Drive the minivan under the tree, put a board across the roof to provide support (blanket to protect the paint), place a ladder on top of board, climb on top of the ladder, pull a nearby branch, the branch Lily is on also moves closer (transitive property of tree branches), grab the bird, climb down from the roof. Have child close by with a Super Soaker to spray bird in case bird flies off again.

The plan worked like a charm...