Monday, October 4, 2010

Flapper flop

I can be stubbornly cheap (as evidenced by all the half full Diet Pepsi cans in my fridge). That's why I spent the better part of Sunday afternoon searching my house for a $3 flapper to fix my leaking guest toilet. I've purchased a number of flush repair kits over the years, and know I have a few unused flappers somewhere. Damn if I know where they are now.

Anyway, a trip to Home Depot this evening, and I come home with this:

It's suppose to make my 600 gallon per flush toilet environmentally friendly. I figure the $100 I'll save per year (as stated on the box) will more than pay for the $18.00 device. Although, my water bill is usually only $8.50 a month, so my water will be practically free now. Nice.

Btw, the device I purchased should not be confused with this device endorsed by Austin Powers:

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