Thursday, June 23, 2011


Apologies to Joyce Kilmer...

"Hackberry Trees"

I think I will breathe a sigh of relief
When chainsaws take down this hackberry tree.

A tree crew will arrive at my behest,

And lay to rest this ruinous mess;

A tree whose greatest testament of peeve,

Angered me with downed electricity;

Upon the ground where fallen limbs stain;

Who stump grinders soon will consume of remains.

Poems are a great gift for the likes of thee;

But only a fool would plant a hackberry.

Yes, I just spent a lot of money to have yet another dying hackberry removed from my back yard. I wish I had been home this afternoon to see the stump grinders in action. While the crew was at it, they removed the stumps from my front yard also. A truckload (3 yards) of dirt is arriving tomorrow morning. Finishing up the side fence this weekend. Hopefully, beds will be planted by Sunday evening. Hopefully.



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