Friday, June 17, 2011

Make your bed, part 2

It's been a long week. So what better way to finish it off than to come home and spend 3 hours in the yard. 104 degrees outside be damned.

I dug holes in the backyard to anchor my raised bed I built last weekend. The ground was rock hard, so I had to use a pickaxe:

I think I want to put a raised bed along the side fence here (after I finish the fence):

However, I need to remove a yard of large rocks and roots before I can do anything:

Nothing like moving a crap load of rocks by hand:

Next up, stump removal. Should be fun...

For now, this is my just desserts:

I like how the specific gravity separates the 2 liquids. Not really a black and tan; more like a cab and clear.


Betsy said...

cab and clear - that's what I'll order next time I step up to a bar. Just to see the bartender's confusion :-)

misterpolyhistor said...

It's the summer drink sensation. Just be careful of the reverse colored Everclear variation.