She had a reading Sunday, lectured in a class today, and will speak at another class tomorrow. Then she's off to Des Moines on Wednesday, then Sioux Falls, then Forest City, then back home.
Saturday afternoon, Pete and I went to the Texas Craft Brewers Festival at Fiesta Gardens. We sampled a lot of beers, most with an alcohol content 2 or 3 times that of Bud Light (most people's reference point). I found Austin Beerworks to be the most intriguing brewer - mostly because they can their beer (for freshness, but they taste good also):

Later that night I had dinner with Mollie at Buenos Aires Café (an Argentinian place in the Hill Country Galleria). It was a nice night to sit outside and text people:

Afterward, we checked out the Guy Forsyth show at Poodies Hilltop Roadhouse in Spicewood. Poodies is an interesting place. It's definitely not Threadgills.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed. I took Alison out to the Hyde Park Grill for a belated birthday dinner:

Alison was a little upset at me because my previous blog entry seemed to imply that Rick Perry was for the death penalty because he is faith based. However, the fact is, most faith-based organizations are opposed to the death penalty. Actually, what I meant to say was that Rick Perry's forensic science is faith-based, and not science based. The fact that he positions himself personally as a religious man and hides behind his faith is topic for a whole other discussion.
Btw, the country fried pork at HPG is excellent:

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