Thursday, September 22, 2011


Just finished another late night call with Asia (this time - Singapore, China, and India). Earlier in the evening, I went to a preview screening of Incendiary: The Willingham Case at the Violet Crown Cinema. If you're not familiar with the case, it's about 3 girls that died in a Corsicana, TX house fire and their father who was tried and executed for their arson murders. I went with Maurie, who was invited by the filmmakers to answer death penalty questions after the showing. The filmmakers were there also.

The film is interesting because it's a death penalty case and it occurred in Texas. But it's more interesting because it focuses on the science of the case - specifically, the science of arson investigations and how it's evolved over the past couple of decades from folklore to a true science. I may not practice engineering all the time, but I am still a big fan of the scientific method. Apparently, Rick Perry is more faith-based. And apparently, I am not a fan of Rick Perry.

Documentaries tend to not stick around theaters long, so if you're interested, I'd recommend you check this one out soon.

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