Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

More food pictures - because eating is what I've been doing this holiday season...

Had a nice New Year's eve dinner with Alison, Emily Sue and Dustin at Fion Bistro.

We started out with some black eyed peas and cabbage for good luck and good fortune:

For my main course, I had a rack of lamb with purple
and white potatoes. I like the look of the purple potatoes. Oh, and a couple of snakebites. The snakebites made running this morning particularly difficult:

I made bold claims last night that I was going to run the 7 mile loop twice this morning. Yeah, that's the problem with running a loop multiple times - it's way too easy to stop after the first lap. Which is what I did today. It was probably for the best. I did what I needed to do to sweat out the toxins and didn't injure myself - a good way to start off 2011.

1 comment:

Dustin said...

Your better then me, I have yet to do my long weekend run, maybe today.