Sunday, August 16, 2009

Plano weekend

Made a quick trip up North to visit Jeremy and Erin this weekend. Well, the trip wasn't so quick - it took 4 and a half hours to drive there. Traffic was just miserable. It was actually stopped in places. I don't think I hit the speed limit for more than a couple of miles at a stretch.

Quick visit, but it's always good to see the two of them. Especially when they make breakfast for you (apparently, child labor laws are not enforced in Plano).

The night before we played a couple of rounds of miniature golf at Adventure Landing (not to be confused with Adventureland). Jeremy won both games, but I made the most hole-in-ones. Erin came in 3rd both times - as in last - and isn't that really what it's all about - schooling a little girl about the harsh realities of life and how you won't always win.

And as before, I got a little visitor last night. She's a bit vocal, but I know what she likes.

1 comment:

aghorn said...

It was good to see you Alvin. Send me the jpg of Erin with the flapjacks if you can. Thanks.