Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tired and sunburned

Had a nice 5 hour interview with Dell yesterday. 6 sessions, 7 people, and HR didn't bother to schedule a lunch break in there. Btw, originally, it was suppose to be 4 sessions with 4 people - I guess it was just my lucky day. Kind of a mixed bag - some of the sessions went really well, some not so well. I could have prepared better, but this was my first interview in many years, so I wasn't really sure what to expect.

Needed to unwind after all that, so I went to the Platforms show at the Mohawk later that night. 3 bands - June's was in the middle. Nice turnout for her show. The other 2... well, not so good.

Stayed out too late and promised to ride this morning at 7:00. That was probably a mistake. I overslept, but Glenn was kind enough to call my home phone from my front porch to wake me up. Ok, I said I would be up for a 30 - 40 mile ride out to Manor. How the hell did we end up in Elgin? Granted the breakfast tacos at the Mexican place in downtown Elgin were good, but I'm not sure they were an extra 20 miles good.

Leaving for Dallas soon for a short visit with Jeremy and Erin. Erin promises to smile more this weekend.

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