In neck news, it appears my physical therapist and my primary care doctor have given up on me. I got a call from my doctor today with a referral to a neurosurgeon. At my PT appointment last week, I was told maybe my spine is now stacked in a way that may never completely loosen up, so my neck and back will always be tight. It turns into a pain management issue at that point. She conferred with my doc, and my doc refers me to a neurosurgeon. The earliest appointment I could get is 3 weeks out. And no PT appointments in between. That sucks.
And finally, I went running for the first time in 6 months today. Just a couple of miles around the neighborhood. Felt awkward at first, but I started to settle in after a half mile or sot. Nothing huge, but it's a start. Now, I'm harboring delusions of the Austin Marathon in February.
What do people think when they someone photographing his food? LOL
Sorry to hear about the neck. I forgot to ask last weekend. That does suck. Neurosurgery, :-o
I use the camera on my phone, so it's not too obvious. It probably just looks like I'm having a hard time reading a text message. Besides, I was the only patron at the Pea. I could have set up lights and a backdrop and no one would have noticed.
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