Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Long time listener, first time caller

I've been pretty bad about keeping in touch lately. Thankfully, Web 2.0 is here to help. This is a work in progress, so focus on the content and not the crappy layout template. That will come in due time, along with the t-shirts and other merch.

First, some level setting, so we're all operating from the same basis:

  • Finally finished editing Chapter 5 of the book my Dad and I are writing. The Preface and Chapter 1, Rev 2 are next. 2 weeks to go until the final draft is due to the publisher - woohoo!

  • Work is the same. We're moving this weekend to our new office. See exclamation from above bullet.

  • Just sold my Colnago CT1 on eBay. The IF ti Crown Jewel and Titus ti Motolite are next.

  • Thinking about entering the Bandera 25k and Gruene team time trial.

  • House is the same.

  • Ditto the landscaping. same as it ever was

  • Despite my best efforts, the fennel keeps coming back.

  • Some squirrel stole the avocado plant I've been growing for 2 years. Damn - just 8 years shy of bearing fruit.

  • Lilly the parrot lives. Sadly, Bob the beagle and Brando the basset died.

  • Alison Krauss and Robert Plant were the highlight of my ACL this year.

  • Riding to work a couple of times a week.

  • Chipotle and Whataburger continue to feed me.

  • The mold count is finally going down.

  • I can't wait for cooler weather.

Surely, from the above data, one could divine n variables to apply to n equations. Solving these equations simultaneously, it's pretty easy to see how I'm doing. You could argue that this is an NP-complete problem. I would argue to the contrary. The proof is left as an exercise for the reader. Remember to filter out extraneous external variables. Empirical data may be helpful in deriving coefficients. Answer at the back of the blog.


Dustin said...

Strange how you can still learn stuff about people.

- Very cool on the book, had no clue

- Seems like a steal price on the bike; makes me wonder why I paid $1k for a no name

- Now why only 25k at Bandera? Re-Read Dan K's book and get motivated to do the 100km! Or sign up for the SA Marathon in Oct.; supposed to be the largest in Tejas.

aghorn said...

Nice start. Pretty witty. Didn't know about the book either. Can you get it on a Kindle? Not that I have one.

Good luck keeping it up. I've been lax lately at

I'm finding facebook to be handy for keeping up with friends.


misterpolyhistor said...

Thanks - I'll let you all know when the book tour starts.

I may run the half in SA. It's in Nov, correct? And I figure 25k of trail running is good for a first try.

T-Bone Technology said...

You will be glad to know that Lilly lives but she also got her wings clipped this week. So you won't have to deal with Gaby climbing your tree for a while.

We are all sad that Brando Basset (AKA Butterball) has passed. We miss him alot but don't have to protect the garbage and the compost anymore.