Day 1: The actual carving. Me, Emily Sue and Diego on the soccer ball behind me. (photo swiped from Dustin and Emily Sue)

Sadly, in years past my pumpkin never survived till Halloween day proper. The damn thing always molded before then, so I had to throw it out. Hopefully, the cold weather and bleach wash will help this year.
Day 2: Looks like some birds or other varmits have started eating my pumpkin. At this rate, it won't have time to get moldy.

Day 3: I sprayed the shit out of it with Tilex. This should ward off potential diners and inhibit mold growth.
Sunday, November 2nd, update (I didn't feel like creating a new post to add these pictures. And besides, the sequence would have been off.)
Day 4: Critters have started to eat the right side of the mouth.
Day 4: Critters have started to eat the right side of the mouth.

Day 5: More of the mouth is gone.

Day 7: Unfortunately, I don't have a pic from Halloween night proper. This is the day after. I caught a squirrel feasting on what was left of the pumpkin's nose bridge. I have to say, I have some of the fattest squirrels on the block. Sadly, I had to toss Mr. Pumpkin after this photo was taken.

1 comment:
We put ours in the fridge, I want the hoodlums to smash it before it molds.
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