Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorable days

My family came up to visit for the Memorial day weekend. Mostly, they came to shop and see friends, but we did manage to visit some also.

We had a nice dinner at TC Noodle House in the Chinatown Center Saturday night (I'm not sure why everyone is so pink in this picture - perhaps it's all the beta-Carotene in the air):

Sunday, Betsy and I rode the Spicewood Springs loop together before going to Ursula and Gregg's pool party:

And (pardon the lack of a better transitional device) here's a sampling of the food I've had recently:

Zocalo after Town Lake run with Betsy Saturday (the jicama salad was the best part):

Some dinners I made last week (beans from Betsy's garden, dumplings from my mom, and mac and cheese from a box):

And a post run meal earlier this week (there's a double cheeseburger hiding
sheepishly in the bag):

Heard this version of Steady, As She Goes today by Corrine Bailey Rae and wanted to share:

And to be fair, here's the original version by The Raconteurs with a video by Jim Jarmusch:

Hope you all had/are having a good three day weekend.

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