We had a nice dinner at TC Noodle House in the Chinatown Center Saturday night (I'm not sure why everyone is so pink in this picture - perhaps it's all the beta-Carotene in the air):

Sunday, Betsy and I rode the Spicewood Springs loop together before going to Ursula and Gregg's pool party:

And (pardon the lack of a better transitional device) here's a sampling of the food I've had recently:
Zocalo after Town Lake run with Betsy Saturday (the jicama salad was the best part):

Some dinners I made last week (beans from Betsy's garden, dumplings from my mom, and mac and cheese from a box):

And a post run meal earlier this week (there's a double cheeseburger hiding sheepishly in the bag):

Heard this version of Steady, As She Goes today by Corrine Bailey Rae and wanted to share:
And to be fair, here's the original version by The Raconteurs with a video by Jim Jarmusch:
Hope you all had/are having a good three day weekend.
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