We started off Saturday evening with an appearance at the Bell school house post-rapture/housewarming party. After a couple of beers, we headed to Sao Paulo's for some Brazilian food and caipirinhas.
Lulled into false comfort, Ron talked me into a final beer at the Broken Spoke. Citing a $12 need to dance, he even paid for my cover to get in.

Once inside, we stood around like a couple of wall flowers - it reminded me of junior high dances I suffered through (should I ask her to dance? what if she says no? how will I live with the shame? what if she has cooties?). Despite much prodding, Ron still refused to ask anyone to the dance floor. Sensing our reluctance, a woman finally approached us and asked if we were there to just stand around or were we there to dance. I confirmed the later and shoved Ron towards the inquisitor (she introduced herself as Marti). Needless to say, once Ron started two-stepping, he couldn't be stopped. In the end, he danced several dances with several women, and I even managed half a dance - Marti tried to teach me the standard quick-quick-slow-slow with limited success. Counting to four wasn't difficult, but keeping rhythm proved a little more challenging.
The next morning, Ron and I met Betsy at Town Lake for a quick 7 mile loop together. Afterward, we met Ron's nephew at Trudy's for brunch, then Ron ran off to Z-Tejas to meet a date for lunch (yes, he has dated every single woman in Houston and is now focused on Austin). He said the date went well - but I'm not sure how he's suppose to sustain a relationship with a woman who lives 150 miles away. I have a hard time dating women 15 miles away. I guess he's a romantic, and I'm just lazy.
Ok, maybe I'm a little romantic. Here I am helping Betsy make almond cookies yesterday (and by "make", I really mean "eat").

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