Overall, it's been a pretty packed weekend (and week). Friday, I saw The Tourist at the Alamo. Despite the horrible reviews, I thought it was a charming film. Having Angelina Jolie saunter about in seductive evening wear doesn't hurt either.
Saturday, I did my usual 10 mile run around Town Lake. My legs felt dead, however, so it wasn't a very enjoyable run. Afterward, I checked out the Cherrywood Art Fair at Maplewood Elementary School. Lots of talented artist were in attendance. These were my favorites:

I also picked up some herbs as part of a fundraiser for the school:

Sunday morning, Pete and I rode the Spicewood Springs loop. Damn, it was cold! And windy. With my light windbreaker, I was definitely under-dressed for this ride (bonus post-ride helmet hair and glazed eye photo):

I thought about returning to the house to put on more layers, but decided that I would eventually warm up. Yeah, I did warm up - when I was back at the house, soaking in a long, hot shower. I was pretty useless the rest of the afternoon. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have gotten off the couch if I didn't have tickets to the show tonight.
Oh, and this was also my first week back at Dell. I'm working in the Global Solutions Lab, in a newly created group to develop and certify ISV partners. I don't have all the details of my job description - my boss told me to be flexible. He and the rest of my team will be out of the office until the new year, so I've been attending meetings and reading documentation to learn about the various partners I'll be working with.

And finally, check this out. The hill country peach pits I've been soaking for 3+ months have finally decided to grow some roots. And to think I came close to tossing these so many times over the past few months:

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