Friday, December 24, 2010


The holidays have crept up on me this year. Not really sure why. Maybe it's the hypnotic effect from all the ham I've been eating. I realized this morning that I still have presents to wrap and a long drive to make. So if you're expecting a card from me this year, know that it just might not happen - apologies in advance.

Also - I'm spending the week with a furry friend. Say hi to Eloise:

Btw - I bought the latest KGSR Broadcasts CD recently just for one song (different radio station, but I love the drums in this video):

Best wishes to all for the holidays. Hope everyone has some time off and gets to spend it with family and friends (or by yourself, if that's your preference).

1 comment: said...

Happy Holidays!
Best of Health and Happiness to you in 2011.