I've been building up a couple of 90's era Ibis Ti Mojos over the past couple of years - searching eBay and swap meets looking for just the right parts. I finally finished them both recently. They're both mediums, both have the iconic hand job cable stop, and both have XTR drivetrains.
I thought it'd be cool to have a couple of retro bikes to cruise around town with. But I have more frames coming in, so I'm cutting bait on the purple decaled one.
That one has 8-speed XTR with a Race Face crank and Easton bars, stem and seat post. And a nice White industries front hub with multi-colored nipples.

The one I'm keeping has 9-speed XTR, and a bunch of fancy red anodized parts - including Chris King hubs, headset, nipples, and uber rare Cook Bros Racing cranks and quick releases. It also has Avid Arch Supreme brakes and ti stem and ti handlebars. The h-bars are a set of old Sakaes from the 90's that I found at Frankenbike recently for $15.

I've been listening to a couple of instrumental-ish groups at work recently, Explosions in the Sky and Mo' Horizons. Explosions are local. Mo' are from Germany. Both tour extensively, but I can't imagine I'll ever go to one of their shows. I once saw Tangerine Dream at an outdoor amphitheater in Detroit. I laid on the grassy knoll most of the evening with my eyes closed, imagining I was laying on my couch, with a drink in my hand. Some bands you just don't need to see or hear live.
Lastly, fat cat and skinny cat are finally warming up to me. The older, skinnier one wakes me up in the morning by licking my fingers. In my delirious state, I try not to think about what else they lick with their tongues. The summer heat is making them shed quite a bit. And you know me, I can be a bit of a clean freak, so I vacuum a couple of times a week. However, the vacuum seem to scare the living daylights out of the two, so I've been attempting to brush them on a daily basis, with a variety of fur collecting implements. This is proving to be quite a challenge also.

Still a long way to paris too. What is your take on the new Madone 6's (single internal cabling, built in cadance, etc...)?
PS - at work do you imagine that you work at a 70's porn film set with Mo Naked Bliss? That must be awkward for your co-workers :)
I'm conflicted - I'm old school, so making bikes more complicated doesn't really appeal to me - but I do think the integrated sensor of the Madone 6 is kinda cool - and it's based on an open source standard also. There's a review of the frame on velonews.com. They seem to like it.
My co-workers don't mind my music - until I start grinding in my chair. That gets a little awkward.
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