Saw (500) Days of Summer and The Hurt Locker recently - both are excellent love stories about following your heart - although more people die in The Hurt Locker.
Cat update: Well, at least one of the cats has butt worms - which means both of the cats probably have butt worms. It's a little disconcerting. I hate those things. I was changing sheets recently and saw little golden grains of rice on my comforter - a nice tell-tale sign of tapeworms. Luckily, the cats arrived with medication in case such an outbreak were to occur. The medication came with a rubber-tipped dispenser stick that holds a pill, so you can jab it into the cats mouth in safety. Wearing heavy gloves, I managed to get one pill down the skinny cat's mouth - after which, it clawed the shit out of me. The second pill I ground up and put in their food. It took 3 days before they would actually eat the food.

Speedvagen update: Put a fork in it, it's done - all built up with 7900 series Dura Ace and RS80 wheels. Looks nice. It's a stock 54cm with an integrated seatpost sized for me. I was in between a stock 54 and a 56, so I went with the 54. Seems to work, as all the major touch points match between my wrecked 2008 frame and the new frame. Bike weighs 17 lbs as you see it - pedals, cages and all. Not bad for a steel bike.

1 comment:
Thanks for the breakfast begals!
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