Speaking of a home, mine will soon foster a couple of felines. June is staging her home for sale and needed someone to take care of her cats until the house sells. Should be an interesting experiment (and indefinitely long, given the current housing market).

They're probably not the manliest pets I could have, especially in comparison to Badger. Unfortunately, my house isn't set up for a large stair-averse dog. That said, I'm actually looking forward to the new roommates. I did, however, promise Pete not to start all my conversations with, "You wouldn't believe what the cats did today..."
Of course, I'm sure the kitties will severely limit my future dating prospects. In fact, here's how I'd imagine a first date postmortem would go (presented in the form of a script - to facilitate the short film when the time arises):
Scene: Breakfast at Bouldin Creek Coffeehouse. Joan and Kris sitting at a side table.
Indescernable dialog.
Fade in...
Joan: So, how was your date last night with that hot Asian-looking guy.
Kris: It went really well. He broke his neck recently, so he's just getting active again. But he's smart, charming, witty...
Joan: Yeah? What's the hesitation?
Kris: Well, he...
Joan: Go on.
Kris: He has cats. CATS!
Joan: Oh, big deal. I know lots of people who like that musical. Well, maybe not LOTS. So he has the soundtrack; big woop.
Kris: (interrupting) No, you don't understand. He has real cats. Live cats.
Joan: Gasp! Did you say cats - as in more than one?
Kris: Two!
Joan: My god, you went out with (dramatic pause) The Cat Guy!
Kris: I know, I know. I showered 3 times when I got home. I still feel dirty.
Joan: ...and used. Just who does he think he is? Did he disclose that beforehand?
Kris: NO! I need a drink...
Joan: You need more than that, Sister. You need a restraining order. Let's get outta here and find you a real man.
Fade out...
Not pretty, is it? But as my Mom likes to say when faced with these difficult situations, "C'est la vie et ensuite vous mourez." Albeit with a Texas accent.
PS - apologies to Jeremy
PPS - ran into Al at the Bob Bollocks recently. He looked to be in good spirits and groomed. Not crazy, unkept or unibomber-like. He confirmed that he sold his house and bought an RV, but that's all I got out of him before I had to go.
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