Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oops!...I Did It Again

Dios mio! - Did I just use a Britney Spears song as a blog entry title?! I really have hit rock bottom. That would also explain why I signed up for a certain on-line people matching site today. See, I'm pretty reclusive by nature, but I've been getting even more so recently. Probably not a good thing. Not that I have very high expectations for this venture. Actually, they're dismally low. But if I find someone who just wants to hang out and grab a bite or see a movie every now and then - well, I've greatly exceeded my goals. Btw, being the cheap guy that I am, I even managed to find a 15% off coupon on the interwebs. Which begs the question, "Can love be discounted?"

And now, here's the best version of that horribly infectious song:

1 comment:

Dustin said...

No Alvin, don't do it. JK, just as long as whoever it is still lets you have bike toys and help others with theirs ;-). Best of luck!