Saturday, January 17, 2009


14 miles with Bob Dylan and "Things have changed". The Austin Marathon and Half is 5 weeks out. I've been running 7 miles at a time on a pretty regular basis. My theory has always been if you can run half the distance comfortably, you can run the entire distance on race day (excerpted from my new training guide due in stores any day now).

14 miles was a little harder than I thought. The weather didn't help. It's hard to drag my ass out when it's cold and overcast. My dreams of negative splits disappeared after mile 9. We'll see if I can keep 14 miles as a regular distance for the next few weeks. If so, I'll sign up for the full. If not, I'll sign up for the half. Glenn has volunteered to run me in, so I got that going for me.

Ron and Jeremy are coming to town today for Pete's birthday dinner tonight. Will be good to see them both again. Jeremy's bringing his daughter. Ron said he'd be in early, so we could go grab a couple of margaritas beforehand - nice.

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