Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hot tramp, I love you so

14 miles with a trio of David Bowie songs this morning: Rebel, Rebel, Suffragette City, and Modern Love. Yeah, I know, I usually run with only one song. But I'm auditioning songs for the Austin Marathon that I just signed up for. So if you have some free time Sunday morning, Feb 15th, stop by the marathon party at Eric and Gaby's and cheer me on (or offer me a beer). They're on the marathon route just past mile 22, right before the course turns onto Duval.

Truth be told, I was suppose to run 21 miles today, but my legs were just feeling dead this morning. And when my iPod battery went out at mile 14, I took it as a sign I needed to go home.

Just as well. Dustin is coming over soon to build up his new Litespeed Sportive frameset. Should be fun.

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