The back garden has gone wild. I'm having a hard time locating my basil plants, but I know they're in there somewhere:

The purple hull beans are coming in nicely. I'll start picking them when the bees and wasps let me:

The pumpkin vines are flowering with these really cool yellow blossoms:

Friday night, Jill surprised me by cooking dinner for me while simultaneously cleaning out my fridge of misfit vegetables. Her creation of fried tofu with sauteed mushrooms, celery, onions, and bell peppers was excellent. She also made a nice tomato salad to go with it:

My birthday trip started at Benihana's for lunch Saturday. It was just the siblings, plus Ron and Joe (my brother-in-law):

Later that night, my parents took us out for Peking duck and a lot more Chinese food:

Afterward, we went home for cake and eggs (gotta have the lucky eggs):

I think my fortune sums up my weekend nicely:

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