Sunday, November 7, 2010


Maurie's out of town, so she asked if I could dog sit (in situ) a few days. Sure, why not? My family was visiting this weekend, so I gave them the run of my house while I took up shop at Mylo's.

Gave me a chance to recover from my bug and teach Mylo a few tricks.

Being food motivated, snatching popcorn in mid-air was easy.

Getting him to play fetch was a little harder. He's easily distracted - between his ball and his bone. Frequently, he tries to get both, but balancing on 2 legs while trying to grab another item with his remaining third is a bit tricky.

Btw, I saw Last Train Home and The Switch this weekend. Last Train Home is a pretty incredible documentary - I highly recommend it. The Switch - well, let's just say it's a lot better than The Back-up Plan. Actually, it was mildly entertaining. But go see Last Train Home (it's at the Regal Arbor) - I can't say enough good things about it. You won't regret it.


Dustin said...

What caused the leg loss?

misterpolyhistor said...

That's a good question. He's a rescue dog, and that's how I've always known him.