Saturday morning I rode down to Mellow Johnny's to take part in the Art Ride. My fender strut on my commuter kept popping off, which was very annoying, so I detoured home soon after the ride started.
In the afternoon, I joined the gang for a tour of hill country vineyards in celebration of EmSue's 30th birthday. 13 people, 5 wineries, and 6 hours makes for an interesting time. Thankfully, Kelvin doesn't drink. But he does dance. I'm not sure why everyone was so interested in the sun flower below.

I spent Sunday in New Braunfels with Eric and Dustin. We were there to help Keith clean up his house after the recent flooding. The water was up 52 inches in the house. I managed to get stung 3 times by a red wasp in the first 10 minutes I was there - all in the face. I thought it was only twice, but after my shower tonight, I noticed there was another one. Nice.

Evidence of the river's damage could be seen everywhere. Including an Expedition that was smashed into a tree (the porta-can wedged between the truck and tree is a nice touch).

1 comment:
Ummm..... Sorry about the wasp stings
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