While I was at Alchemy today, I had a fancy custom fitting done with their new Retül 3-D bike fitting system. Retül uses LEDs and motion capture software to analyze your bike fit. I won't bother you with all the details that you can read here, but I did find out my cleats were mounted too far back, my saddle needed to be moved back and down, and my stem needed to be moved up. I'm told these changes will make me at least 67.3% faster. I can't wait.

Btw, James and Alchemy have graciously signed on to be a Hyde Park Velo sponsor. Many thanks!
Sweet! Does this mean free fittings for all HPV? What are you going to do with 2 speedvagons?
Still working out the sponsorship details, but I highly recommend the bike fitting. I was going to keep the 2nd Speedvagen as a backup bike, but I think it'll fit you perfectly.
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