What are the take-aways from the above picture?
1. The Cocktail Slippers are in town for SXSW - all 6 of them (5 Norwegians and a Swede) are staying at my place for a few days. I feel like I'm living in a sorority house (sans pillow fights). I came home for lunch today to find these 3 waiting on my porch. The band was on their way to their first South-By gig, but with 6 girls and all their gear, they need two taxis whenever they travel. Apparently, one taxi arrived, but these 3 waited an hour for the 2nd taxi that never came. Btw, they play 3 shows this Friday. Check out their schedule for more details.

2. I filled out my 2010 census form. It really did only take 10 minute like the PSA says - maybe less. Stand up and be counted.

Hey, I like the mosaic steps.
Oh yeah, the girls are cute too.
damn straight - those are some fine mosaic'd stairs.
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