Tiny houses:

And the camper bike:

Of the two, I think the tiny house might actually be do-able. It's only about 100 sq. feet, but it's the quality of space, not the quantity of space that's important. Since it's so small, it's classified as a temporary building or mobile home, so no building permits are necessary. You can have one built on the West coast, and they'll transport and set it in Austin for a nominal fee.
Really, I can arrange for a Tarleton house in my back yard and then rent out my main house to three studious co-eds. Oh, wait - that's Eric's fantasy. Sorry. Anyway...
Did you see Megan SP's post on this, I like the security of a container house - http://meginaustin.blogspot.com/2009/12/calling-container-home.html
I've seen articles on container homes. They're cool, and there are an abundance of containers out there, but they're still bigger than I'd like. The idea of a home you can tow around and easily maneuver is very appealing. Plus you wouldn't need a building permit.
George Carlin's classic on stuff:
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