Monday, October 26, 2009


It's been a crazy week of catching up with old friends. Thursday, Talen flew in from Hawaii for a conference in town, which gave us an opportunity to catch up over drinks. We went to high school in Houston and through the Mech E program together at UT. We kind of lost touch after we graduated. He ended up going to med school, had a private practice in Tyler for 10 years, and finally moved his family to Maui about 5 years ago where he now works.

Friday through Sunday, I was in West Texas for a wedding in Marathon. Alison and I showed up late for the star gazing party, so when I met the groom, it was pretty dark outside. He was introduced to me as Robert, but as I walked away, I thought his voice sounded very familiar. Then I asked what Robert's last name was. Well, it turns out I lived across from him my sophomore year at UT. We were both at the Castilian. There were a few other people in town for the wedding from my Castilian days also. So it turned from an event where I thought I didn't know anyone to an event where I knew a number of people. Pretty cool.

Tthe Gage Hotel in Marathon

The happy couple

Castilian reunion circa 1983

The wedding was Saturday night, so we had a chance to bum around Marfa during the day. Alison caught up with friends in town, while I enjoyed the laid back surroundings. Marfa continues to be hip, trendy, and expensive. But I hear it's a good place to move to if you have a plan and penchant for hard work.

Leaving Marathon Sunday, we drove through Fort Davis and the McDonald observatory - on the highest road in Texas. As expected, the views were spectacular.


Dustin said...

Very cool! Catch any Marfa Lights? Aliens or headlights?

misterpolyhistor said...

Some Marfa Bud Lights - do those count? I understand if you have enough of those, the Marfa lights are a lot easier to see.