Received my first royalty check today from ASME. I was surprised, to say the least - since I thought we had to sell 2000 copies first before royalties kicked in. Anyway, it was only for the last 2 weeks in June, but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye.

Spent the night building up Eric's new Cervelo R3. He bought the frameset recently from Excel Sports. It's pretty sweet - and the frame weighs less than 1000 grams. I hung a 7800 series Dura Ace 10 group on it, except for the FSA carbon compact cranks. Nice bike.

Funny you blur out the check amount, but left the account # and routing #'s; I needed to go buy some stuff ;-).
Did Eric ride his bike on this mornings ride(9/20)?
Hey you photographed the check. How come the amount is secret. Tell us, is it really big or really small? What are you trying to hide?
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