Friday, April 17, 2009

No mas...

OK, I'm way outta my league here. Cindy and her mom think that I do not have a Oxblood lily. Instead, they (yes, I'm lumping you and your mom together) believe, based on the bloom cycle and leaf structure, that it's an amaryllis of some sort. I did a little digging (no pun intended), and it does look like the red amaryllis that is mentioned in this Houston Chronicle blog by Molly Glentzer.

I still stand by my red flower plant assessment.

The first day of the MS150 was canceled today due to weather. Sorry Dustin and Ron. Guess you'll have to find a way to La Grange to make the 2nd day. What a logistical nightmare for the MS150 organizers.

Off to Houston tomorrow to see my Mom and to make an insulin run. That means I can't make bowling. Apologies in advance.

1 comment:

Cindy Bogard said...

Clara agrees: It is indeed a red flower plant. However, I think you found your match on the other blog. I thought it was a different view of your own flower.