Here are a couple from mid-week, as I started scabbing up and the swelling started to go down around my eyes:

In the past week a lot of the scabbing has flaked off my face, and I'm more mobile now. However, my neck still hurts, and sleeping continues to be a challenge. And the black eye is still there. Seeing my doc in the morning for a follow-up. Stitches above my eye will probably come out then also. Here are some pics taken today:

Thanks for everyone's concern and support - My family and friends are amazing!
I'll post body shots and pictures of the bike and helmet soon. In the meantime, for some levity, if you've ever wondered what the lyrics were to Pearl Jam's Yellow Ledbetter... well, this may be as close as you'll get to an answer:
We are so happy you are okay and that you are healing well!!!
Run out of dinners yet? We can bring something by tomorrow afternoon/evening to celebrate St. Patty's day. Need any liquid pain killers or are yours still much better.
Thanks - My meds seem to be doing the job. I think I'm set on food for now, but I really appreciate the offer. I'll be home tomorrow afternoon/evening if you just want to drop by on your way downtown.
Glad mister polyhistor is back. Time to watch plenty of old flicks while recuperating.
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