Belinda flew in from San Jose a week ago Thursday. She brought some See's chocolates and mochi from my favorite mochi shop. Yes, we finished off the box by the time she left:

She also made a quilt for me, which was way cool:

We spent much of the time she was here eating. A little late night Hey Cupcake action:

And a post Marathon dinner Sunday at Parkside:
Speaking of marathon, the one this past Sunday set a bunch of PRs for me. A personal record for the slowest marathon I've ever run (5:19, 50 minutes slower than my 2009 time). A record for the number of times I had to stop to pee (7 times before mile 21). And a record for feeling the best after a long run (I was able to walk down stairs the following day). Race day was hot and humid, so fearing I would cramp up, I drank a lot of liquids. In hindsight, it was way too much liquids. After stopping for potty breaks at miles 1 and 3, I pretty much knew I had broken the seal. Good news is, I didn't cramp up. I was a little stiff-legged at the end, but no cramping. Yay! (small fist pump)
Here I am coming down the finishing stretch:
And crossing the finish line:
In bike related news, the North American Handmade Bicycle Show comes to town this weekend. Dustin and I went to the kick-off party at Mellow Johnny's and watched a couple of short movies (one on Dario P. and the other on the Rapha continental ride). Free beer, cool bikes - a good time was had by all. I was happy to see that MJ's is an Alchemy bike dealer now. And - this must be a blow to Crumpton - they're also carrying Parlee. The Parlee folks were at the party Thursday and showed off a number of nice rides, including this AC/DC inspired one: