There's a reason they call it Crash 5. Eric endo'd into a ditch at the Pace Bend Road Race today trying to avoid a rider who slid out in front of him (caution - roads slippery when wet). Really unfortunate as they were in the final sprint, and Eric was on his way to a top 10 finish. Hopefully, it's just a separated shoulder. Regardless, he won't be riding for at least 4-8 weeks. At least his bike is still in good shape.
I'm up late because The Wall Street Journal is launching their ePub version of All Things Digital at 2:30 AM this morning. And I have the honor of building it for the launch. While I wait for the ATD feed to go live at 2:15 AM, I'm watching late night coverage of the Olympics on NBC. Which got me wondering - who is this Mary Carillo person? The one who hosts the insomniac's coverage of sporting events pre-judged to be not prime time material. The one who makes all those quizzical comments. Well, a quick internet search turned up the following clip:
Year of the tiger. There's an Asian saying that what you do today will set the tone for what you do for the rest of the year. Well, I spent the morning looking for Dustin at the Austin Marathon, the afternoon chainsawing a bunch of limbs in my backyard and assembling some bikes, and the evening cooking dinner for Alison. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting year.
Dinner was pasta with sun dried tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms and sauteed spinach. We ate it with candles lit while watching Mad Men. Pretty romantic, yes?
It was a great day for a marathon. Maybe a little warm if you stayed out too long. Dustin set a new PR this year. 4:18:14 - very impressive.
Sadly, the marathon route didn't turn on 49th street this year - which meant no marathon watching party at Eric and Gaby's. For some reason (many suspect Tracy's sign from a past year comparing running to an act of self-pleasure), the route turned at 48th street - a very boring corner of rental properties (see above).
Speaking of athletic endeavors, I've been watching the Winter Olympics regularly since they started this weekend. It's like comfort food - I remember watching the Olympics with my family since way back in the early 70's. 80 hours of curling coverage? - Where can I get BBC-2?
I was in Houston this weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday and to wish the family a happy Chinese New Year (early).
I stopped by Patisserie Jungle Cafe for a birthday cake. They're my favorite Vietnamese French bakery. Once located in a crappy strip center, they've recently moved into new digs with fancy counters and marble floors. Seems like every time I visit Houston, Bellaire Chinatown expands a block further West. New restaurants, new shopping centers, new banks. You would think they'd run out of Asian patrons who are hungry or have personal banking needs. I guess not.
Birthday dinner was at Korea Garden, which specializes in Korean barbecue. The food is good, but the aroma of barbecue stays with you long after you've left.
Later that night I had a chance to catch up with Ron and June at The Tasting Room in Uptown Park. Ron got engaged recently (no, not to June - that would be awkward) and still looks happy.
I also managed to catch a couple of films this weekend - Adam and Up in the Air. Neither film ended the way I thought they would. Which is good - I hate predictable films.
Adam is about a guy with Asperger syndrome trying to have a relationship. Up in the Air is about George Clooney trying to have a relationship. Yeah, it's a toss-up as to which is harder to believe. Still, I enjoyed both films. Check em out if you get the chance.