It's been a crazy week of catching up with old friends. Thursday, Talen flew in from Hawaii for a conference in town, which gave us an opportunity to catch up over drinks. We went to high school in Houston and through the Mech E program together at UT. We kind of lost touch after we graduated. He ended up going to med school, had a private practice in Tyler for 10 years, and finally moved his family to Maui about 5 years ago where he now works.
Friday through Sunday, I was in West Texas for a wedding in Marathon. Alison and I showed up late for the star gazing party, so when I met the groom, it was pretty dark outside. He was introduced to me as Robert, but as I walked away, I thought his voice sounded very familiar. Then I asked what Robert's last name was. Well, it turns out I lived across from him my sophomore year at UT. We were both at the Castilian. There were a few other people in town for the wedding from my Castilian days also. So it turned from an event where I thought I didn't know anyone to an event where I knew a number of people. Pretty cool.
Tthe Gage Hotel in Marathon
The happy couple
Castilian reunion circa 1983
The wedding was Saturday night, so we had a chance to bum around Marfa during the day. Alison caught up with friends in town, while I enjoyed the laid back surroundings. Marfa continues to be hip, trendy, and expensive. But I hear it's a good place to move to if you have a plan and penchant for hard work.

Leaving Marathon Sunday, we drove through Fort Davis and the McDonald observatory - on the highest road in Texas. As expected, the views were spectacular.

Orange you glad I didn't say banana...
Just got back from another 24 hour trip to Houston. Had some business I had to take care of, but I also had time to visit the folks. Their orange tree is fully loaded with fruit right now. Fruiting fruit trees always make me smile.

What also makes me smile is the passage of the 3 feet ordinance by Austin city council earlier today. Pamela LeBlanc of the Statesman has a positive take on the whole thing.
Today was a beautiful day to bike downtown. The Austin city council votes on the 3 feet passing ordinance this coming Thursday. You can register your support for the measure using the electronic kiosks in the lobby of Austin City Hall between now and the vote.
It's not a perfect solution, but I think anything that heightens motorists' attention to cyclists and peds is a good thing.
In case you missed Pearl Jam at ACL a couple of weeks ago, this weekend the band released the show as part of their authorized bootlegs series. It's only $9.99 for the mp3 download version. Definitely worth it if only for their cover of the Who's "The Real Me."

This weekend was also Megan and Chris' wedding and Sean's birthday. Congrats all!